Dos-Lacour Background

Across Haiti runs the river Artibonite. Since the 50ies the river has been dammed at Peligre to run a hydropower station. 25% of Haitis electricity is generated here.

Because the reservoir flooded the fertile river banks, the farmers had to escape into the mountains. Some families settled down on the plateau which they named "Dos Lacour" - "backyard".

Dos Lacour is deep in the mountains far away from passable streets. It is virtually not accessible by self-help organizations. Here are living poor farmers but nevertheless good people. They have to strive with the consequences of the destruction of their land: barely drinkable water, little food and an ailing ecosystem.

We want to help them to build up a working existence, starting with an elementary school.

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Life in Dos-Lacour

The people of Dos-Lacour mainly life on agriculture. They harvest corn, sugarcane, avocados, yams, maniok and breadfruit. They also produce chairs and ropes from natural materials and try to sell them on the market. The men cultivate the fields, care for the animals, while the women look after the household. They get water, cook, wash and go to the market.

The school system

In most villages of Haiti is at best one elementary school with the grades one to six. After the sixth grade there is an officially recognized final exam. This final exam is the requirement to go to secondary school.

Around the reservoir are hardly any schools. Particularly underprivileged are areas in the mountains like Dos-Lacour and Roche Mulâtre.

We pursue the goal that there will be an elementary school operated in Dos-Lacour. That would also benefit the neighbouring areas like Roche Mulâtre. Aside from the social value more than 50 children would be able to finish primary school.