Executive Committee
Fritznel Römer (Civil Engineering at TU Munich)
E-Mail: Fritznel@education-for-haiti.org
Vice chairman:
Aaron Schaal (Physics at LMU Munich)
E-Mail: admin@education-for-haiti.org
Yordan Georgiev(Civil Engineering at TU Munich)
E-Mail: Yordan@education-for-haiti.org
Recording clerk:
Christoph Vad(Civil Engineering at TU Munich)
E-Mail: Christoph@education-for-haiti.org
Introducing ourselves
Fritznel Louis-Jacques Römer
Born 15th January 1988 in Haiti, grown up in Cange, Centre Part of his family lives in Dos-Lacour (his mother is from there) He spent all his school holidays in his beloved Dos-Lacour with his uncle
With 12 he was adopted by a Caribbean childless family living in Germany, because of his above-average school performance. The processing of the emigration to Germany took 4 years.
Until 10th grade in Cange, 11th grade on a private school in Port-au-Prince After his arrival in Germany, Lycee Jean- Renoir (a french school in Munich), 2007 Baccalauréat at the Lycee Jean-Renoir
Visit to Haiti 2011
After 7 years back to Haiti, visit of his biological family Concerned by the increasing misery (poverty, cholera)